Job specification - meaning, contents, objectives, advantages.

Hello friends today's topic is Job specification.

Job specification meaning

Meaning of job specification


A job specification is a written statement of minimum level of education, qualification, skill,  knowledge, and other abilities required like work- experience, physical fitness required to perform a particular job effectively.

The job specification or we can also as job qualification, as specific or similar, a brief properly characterize is thus a specialised job description, emphasising personal characterize and chiefly designed to promote recruitment, selection and placement

Advantages of job specification

Meaning of Job Specification:

Job specification is concerned with the prescription of the qualities and qualifications for the individuals who are going to perform the tasks. In different words, process specification is the technique of figuring out the necessities sought in an individual for a given process. It is based on activity analysis and job description. Job specification is helpful to pick the right guy for the right task.


1 Job name and designation

2 skill & knowledge

3 physical fitness

4 mental attributes

5 personal appearance

6 social specification

7 behaviour specification

8 Responsibilities

Purposes or Objectives of Job Specification:

The important purposes of job specification are:

(i) To help the human resource department to find the right candidate for the defined job profile.

(ii) To help the candidate to decide his suitability for the stated job profile.

(iii) To ensure the selection of the right candidate.

(IV) To give a brief description to candidates to help them to determine whether their experiences and qualifications suit the job position.

Advantages of job specification:

Advantages of job specification:

  • Job or activity specification highlights all precise details required to perform an activity at its best.
  • It allows in screening of resumes and saves time whilst there are a couple of applications by choosing folks that are closer to the task specification.
  • HR managers can use this job specification to evaluate personnel and deliver them required training.
  • It helps the company during performance appraisal and promotion and  also transfer.

  • It also helps organisations in selecting the most appropriate candidate to  fulfill future needs in the organisation.

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