Job description - meaning, contents, objectives of job description.

 Hello friends today's topic is Job description.

Job description advantages

Job description:-

Meaning of Job evaluation


capability or eligibility and Skills Include an inventory of hard and soft skills. You can also also include soft skills, like communication and hassle solving, as nicely  as character traits which you envision for a successful hire. Keep your listing concise.

Crafting a powerful work statement is crucial to helping you attract the most qualified candidates for the work.

Job descriptions are commonly required for most organisations for managing people in the organisations. 

Job descriptions are very much mandatory for attainment in order that you and candidates can properly see the business role. 

Job descriptions are very much essential for most of the  people at business. The job description determines the person's character and responsibility.

Job or we can also say Business descriptions are important. Job

descriptions are needed for recruitment so the organization and the applicants will see this character. The job description determines the person's character and responsibility. Without the job statement it is not possible for a person to properly act to, or be held responsible for, the character without the job statement or document it is usually very difficult for a person to properly act to, to handle the job assigned to him or be held responsible for, the character.

It is a statement of nature and contents of a specific job it includes duties and responsibility to be performed in a job, nature, task, working condition, tools and equipment involved in a particular job.

 As it indicates, this document is basically detailed in nature and constitutes a record of existent and virtual job facts"

Meaning of Job Description:

Job description is a recorded or drafted statement or document of the nature and contents of a particular job. It includes the duties and responsibilities of specific job, Job description gives the following particulars about each job.

(a) Name of the job

(b) Designation

(c) Department

(d) Duties and responsibilities

(e) Working conditions

(f)  Accountability

Contents of job analysis:-

1. Job identification

2. job summary 

3. duties and responsibility

4.  Relation of other job 

5.  Machine 

6. supervision 

7. working condition 

8. hazards

9.  pay and allowance.

Purposes or Objectives of Job Description

The objectives of job description are:

1. To enhance the cooperation among all employees, as everyone knows their roles and responsibilities

2. To clarify the possible career progress of the employees within the organisation.

3. To establish the pay scales as per the nature of the job

4. To have documents containing the job details for reference in future.

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