Job evaluation - Meaning, objectives, Advantages, Limitations.

Hello friends today's topic is Job evaluation.

Job evaluation Advantages


Introduction: The jobs designed on the job design process are required to bee evaluated in the job evaluation process.

Definition and Meaning of Job Evaluation:

Dale Yoder has defined job evaluation as "a practice which seeks to provide a degree of

objectivity in measuring the comparative price of jobs within an organisation and among

comparable organisations".

According to Arthur A Sloan, "Job assessment is any formalized system that attempts to determine the relative well worth of different jobs in the enterprise in order that jobs of more value can be rewarded by more pay". 

From the above definitions I think that it is clear that job

evaluation is the assessment of the relations worth of different jobs in an organization to determine relative correct pay. 

Purposes of Job Evaluations:

The main purpose of job evaluation are:

(1). To ensure that every employee gets pay commensurate with his positive skill and expertise.

(2).To recognise equals in the matter of pay fixation.


The advantages of job evaluation are:

(1) It is helpful to determine the correct pay for the different jobs in an organisation.

(2) It insures that there is no exploitation of employees by the management

(3) It ensures that an employee gets remuneration commensurable with the work done by him.

(4) It helps to avoid discrimination in payment of remuneration on the basis of sex, caste, religion, etc.

Limitations of Job Evaluation:

The main limitations of job evaluation are:

(1) Job evaluation, no doubt, helps to determine pay for a job based on the work content. But it ignores the potential of the employees.

(2) It does not consider the impact of technology, industry standards, government policies, values and aspirations of employees on their job evaluation.

(3) It suits only large organisations.

(4) It takes too much time.

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