Job design - Introduction, meaning, objectives, guidelines.

Hello friends today's topic is Job Design.

Job design

Job Design :-

Techniques of job design



Creation of job design is the succeeding step to job analysis. While process analysis provides records approximately the abilities and competence required to carry out a task efficiently, job layout strives at organising tasks, obligations and responsibilities associated with a job to acquire organisational as well as character objectives. Job design has a massive effect on productivity and activity satisfaction.

Definition and Meaning of Job Design:

Job design

Davis has defined job design as:-

The specification of the content, techniques and relationships of jobs so that you can fulfill technological and organizational requirements as well as the social and consistent personal requirements of the process holder.

From the above definition, it's miles clear that job layout is a planned and systematic attempt to structure the technical and social factors of work, a good way to improve technical performance and activity satisfaction.

In different words, it's a method of describing employment in terms of its duties and responsibilities, the strategies to be utilized in carrying out the duty in terms of techniques, systems and procedures and therefore the relationship that inattention to exist between the duty holders and their superiors, subordinates and colleagues.

Purposes or Objectives of Designers a Job:

The main objectives of designing a job are:

1. To improve the standard of operating lifetime of workers.

2. To increase employee motivation and  productivity.

3. To enhance employee's skills by identifying their training needs.

4. To cover the needs of employee participation.

5. To ensure a safer working environment.

6. To make the communication process clear and effective in the                       organization.

7. identify the tasks, identify the sincere and kind natural work      units.

8. To eliminate unnecessary levels of supervision, checking and    control.

(9) To establish high level standards for customer service

(10) To minimise cost by reducing wastage.

Guidelines for Job Designing :-

Which framing job design, the following

guidelines may be considered?

(1) Identify the tasks, identify the sincere and kind natural work units.

(2) Fix the responsibility associated with a job clearly.

(3) create applicable provisions for the autonomy of doing a piece within the job style.

(4) Equip the employees to participate to participate in decision making

(5) Include the details about the work environment of a job.

(6) Develop interest in employees in their job.

(7) Present timely feedback to employees of their performance.

(8) Provide timely recognition and sufficient support to employees.

(9) Establish good relationship and open feedback channels to get effective feedback from the employees.

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