Techniques of job design - Four main method of job design

Job design -Techniques

Techniques of job design

Job design

 Techniques of Job Design:

There are four techniques commonly used for job design. They are:

1. Job Rotation.

2 Job Enlargement

3 Job Enrichment

4 Job Simplification

1. Job Rotation:

Job rotation means shifting of an employee from one job to another within a working group. It also means horizontal transfer of an employee from one to another  job of the same level, prestige,  management and status. Job rotation purpose at adding variety and reducing boredom by introducing a variety of tasks in the existing work profile of employees,  also aims at allowing qualified and talented employees to gain more understanding into various techniques of an enterprise.

2. Job Enlargement:

Job enlargement means increasing the scope of a particular job by adding more tasks and duties to it. It aims at adding similar tasks or activities to the existing work profit of employees to make their

jobs are more interesting. It also aims at increasing employee's job satisfaction by giving the team an opportunity to develop and learn new skills.

3. Job Enrichment

Job enrichment means designing a job in such a way that the employees get greater autonomy in planning, decision-making and controlling. It aims at increasing the duties in a job to makes it

more exciting, challenging, creative and rewarding to the employees.

4. Jobs simplification

Job simplification means breaking down a job into small components, usually consisting of relatively simple tasks and assigning the divided job components to employees as individual jobs. It aims at enabling the employees to perform their jobs without much specialised training. It conjointly aims at increasing the work speed by permitting the execution of the many little jobs at the same time and quickly

I hope you have understand above topics.

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