Role of human resources manager

 Roles   of   Human     resources manager


Human resource management or management of human resources is one of the most important aspects of the management of any organization,

because an organization means not only the physical structure, but also the persons working in that structure.

Again, in reality, the identity and performance of an organisation depends more on its capacity to procure, maintain, develop and

utilize the right type of human resources than on its physical assets.

Therefore, it is quite necessary to have some idea about human resources before taking up the discussion of human resources management.

Human Resources

Meaning and Definition ofHuman Resources

Meaning of Human Resources:

From the viewpoint of an organisation, human resources or human resources management stand for the people at job or work.

They are the summation of the inherent

abilities, non heritable information and skills, as exemplified within the talent and aptitudes of the staff of the organisation.

From the national purpose of read, human resources represent information, skills, artistic talents, leadership skills, creative ideas, and aptitudes found within the population.

*Personal Objectives:

The important individual or personal objectives are:

1.To ensure adequate compensation or remuneration for the personnel.

2. To assure job security to the personnel.

3. To provide sufficient facilities to the      personnel for training and development

4. To ensure a suitable work environment.

5. To afford sufficient opportunities for promotion.

6. To provide job satisfaction to the personnel.

7. To ensure the treatment of personnel with dignity.

*Social Objectives:

The important social objectives. are:

1. To create maximum employment opportunities.

2. To ensure maximisation of productivity.

3. To avoid wastage of efforts of the personnel.

4. To use productive resources in the best possible way and to minimize wastes.

5. To promote healthy relations between the management and labour and to ensure industrial peace.

6. To promote social welfare.

*Union Objectives:

The important union objectives are:

1. To secure the cooperation of the labour

unions with the management.

2. To accord reputation to consultant labour


3. To inculcate the spirit of

self-discipline most of the labour


1. body Roles:

The administrating roles embrace the subsequent

(a) influential person

(b) frame knowledgeable

(c) adviser

(d) residence servant

(e) Counsellor

(1) Welfare officer

(g) Legal advisor.

Let us have a quick discussion of those roles:

(a) Policy Maker:

The human aid supervisor facilitates

management within the formula of regulations managing ability accomplishment and maintenance, salary and pay administration, welfare activities, personnel records, operational conditions, etc.

Human resources manager also helps in interpreting manpower policies, rules, regulations and programs in the correct manner.

(b) body Expert:

The administrative position of human resources manager is closely homeward-sure to manner and record-keeping. Maintaining worker documents and human resource connected databases, technique worker profit claims, respondent queries concerning leave, delivery and scientific facilities, filing needed reviews to restrictive agencies are samples of the administrating nature of human useful resource managers.

This programs or events must be efficiently accomplished by human resources manager,

From the purpose of read of shoppers, staff, manager, distributors and government conjointly.

(c) Advisor:

It is aforesaid that personnel management isn't a line responsibility, however a worker performs. The personnel manager discharge his work by recommending, notifying, suggesting, counsel, advocating, instructing and serving to the road manager in discharging the responsibilities regarding grievance redressal, conflict resolution,

worker choice and Personnel recommendation includes preparation of reports, connection or intercourse of pointers for the analysis and accomplishments of policies, programme's and rules relating to labour laws, etc.

(d) Housekeeper:

The administrative function of a personnel manager in coping with the display consists of recruiting, pre-employment testing, reference checking, worker surveys, time-keeping, salary and remuneration administration, edges and pension administration, wellness programmes, renovation of records, etc.

(e) Counselor:

The human members of the family manager  i.e,. (human resources manager) discusses numerous problems with the personnel pertaining to work, career, their supervisors, colleagues, health, family, financial, social, etc., and advises them on minimizing and overcoming problems, if any.

(f). Welfare Officer:

Personnel manager is anticipated to be the welfare officer of the corporate As a well-being officer, he grants and preserves, for the interest of the United, snacks bar or restaurant, clinics, creches, educational organizer, Clobber, libraries, communication facilities, co-operative credit societies and consumer department. Has per Factories Act, welfare officers must foreseen the need or requirements of safety, job security, healtha related well-being of employees. The human useful resource managers are generally asked to Over see whether or not or not everything is in step with the corporate rules and stipulation

(g) Legal Consultant:

Personnel manager performs the position of grievances dealing, with settling of disputes, handling disciplinary cases, doing dialogue,

allowing the approach of joint consultation, interpretation and implementation of various labour cases, contacting lawyers regarding complaints, Personnel manager is also responsible for suggesting or submitting files in labour courts, industrial committees, public court of justice.

2. Operating Roles:

The operating roles are tactical in nature, and include the following

a. Recruit

b. Mediator

c. Employee champion

d.Trainer, developer and motivator.

e. Co-ordinator (linking pin)

Let us have a brief discussion of the various operative roles of a human resource manager.

a. Recruit :

Winning the war has become a very important job of human resource manager in recent times seeable of the growing competition for people possessing requisite knowledge, skills and skill. Human resource manager should use his to exercise smart impact, whereas giving birth down remunerative career ways to new recruits while not increasing the money burden to the economy.

(b). Trainer, Developer and Motivator:

A part from talent a quisition, talent retention is also important. To this end, human resource managers have to find skill   deficiencies from time to time, offer meaningful training opportunities bring out the talent potential of people through intrinsic and extrinsic sic rewards which are valued by employees.

C) Co-ordinator: (Linking Pin):

The human aid supervisor is commonly deputed to behave as a linking

pin between various divisions or branch of companion degree organisation.

The entire utility is specially designed to push connection regiona department

heads, exploitation employees members of the family and communique talents of human useful resource executives to the utmost achievable extent

(d) Mediator:
The employees manager acts as a mediator just in case of friction among two personnel, organizations of employees, supervisors and
subordinates and personnel and control with the best objective of maintaining business harmony

(E) Employee Champion:
Human resource managers have traditionally been regarded as "employer morale officers' or employee advocates. Liberalisation,
privatisation and globalization pressures have modified the case dramatically. Human aid professionals have to pass closer to the hearts of employees in their very own self-interest. To supply results, they may be now critically pre-occupied with:-

1. Placing human at the rightjob.

2. Rewarding creditable pertormance.

3. Resolving variations among personnel and corporations smoothly.

4. Adopting family-pleasant policies.

5. Ensuring truthful and equitable treatment to all people regardless of the background

6.Striking a happy balance among the Personnel and professional pursuits with the big organisational needs.

3. Strategic Roles:
An agency's success increasingly more relies upon on the knowledge, abilities and talents of its personnel, as they assist to set up a Set or core abilities which distinguish an agency from its.Competitors. When employee's capabilities are valuable, rare, difficult to imitate and organized, a enterprise can do sustained rival benefit via its individuals.. The strategic role of human resource supervisor focuses interest on how to enable everyday employees turn out superb performance, looking after their ever-changing expectations. The key regions of interest to this place of global competition include powerful control of key resources (personnel, technology, paintings processes), at the same time as delivering cost powerful and cost enhancing solutions.

Duties and responsibilities of HR manager:-
The duties and responsibilities of HR manager are:

Duties and responsibilities of HR manager
HR manager

  • Advising the line managers regarding the state-of-the-art trends in job analysis.

  • Helping the line managers in planning Human aid and finalizing human useful resource plans.

  • Advising the line manages regarding the impact of downsizing and delayering on human beneficial resource planning.

  • Preparing, modifying and updating job analysis, job description and job specification as desired by line managers..

  • Searching for the eventual employees from different internal ( inside the organisation )and external ( outside of the organisation ) sources of recruitment and encouraging and stimulating prospective candidates to apply for vacant jobs in the organisation.
  •  Another important duties of HR manager is pinout job supporters and delivery the operation of recruitment

  • Conducting induction programmes of latest staff and golf stroke of employees in their jobs.
  •  Helping line executives or managers in identifying what type of work training and development broadcasts which is essential for an individual employees to show full potential in their job.

  • HR manager not only search employment agencies but also helps chief executives in conducting selection tests and interviews to select most suitable candidates for current and future needs.

  • Preparing schooling and development broadcasts in such a manner that will full satisfy the needs of employees in the organisation.

  • Fixing and supervising the minimum salaries, wages, pension, health related and other benefits of employees.

  • To fulfil lack of motivation which is required for an employee for working his job more effectively, so HR managers also Introduce various inducement broadcasts to inspire the employees.

  • Maintaining close and sound relations with individual employees, employees groups, trade unions and government.

  • Conducting special series of events with general or top manager to solve staff obstacles in group or individual, prevent industrial disputes and employee turnover in the organisation.

  • Encouraging the employees to reduce their own team work attitude and also team culture this helps in smooth working in organization.

  • HR manager suggesting chief executive officer in selecting employees who is fit for promotion and also for demotions, training required, transfer etc.

  • Maintaining and enhancing sound human relations.

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